
Friday Stuff

Feeling the creativity today. Finished my LO for Becs CJ! You wanna see it? Ok, then. Here it is!
Ok, wait those are backwards. Oh, well you get the idea. It took forever to down load them so I'm not gonna fix it right now. It's almost a little sad sending my work to someone else. Knowing that I won't ever see these pages again. Might have to make a special book just for my fav. CJ LO's. KWIM?
Baby just woke up from his nap. Is stretching his long baby arms. My kiddo has the longest arms. Wonder if that means he's going to be tall or just really good at reaching stuff? There are so many things that I wonder when I look at my kids. About the now, the future, random stuff. Kinda like this blog entry. A bunch of ramblings. It's probably good to get them down and out. KWIM? Isn't it funny how I type as if I were having a conversation with someone! Well when you are a SAHM of 2 under 2, you don't get a lot of conversation time in the course of a normal day. KWIM?
I'm now snuggling with the baby, yep I have the best job ever. I am so thankful that my DH makes this possible for me! I probably don't thank him enough. Is there someone who you have forgotten to thank? Well what are you waiting for. I'm pretty sure that It'll make them feel good and you'll feel even better.

1 comment:

justem said...

Very pretty layouts! I love the color scheme!