
Blah, blah, blah

I really wanted donuts this morning. So not part of the plan and I . was a good girl. Not really sure what I want now but, it's something. Yesterday was NSD. It rocked. My first online crop. I got 7 LO's done. So much inspiration. So many talented women. So thankful to belong to such an awesome community. Really starting to feel like home.
Blogger challenge was on pet peeves. When it comes to certain people, things annoy me more then with others. Not really sure why that is.
Start of another week. Taylor is 10 weeks old. He's changing so fast. So is Riley. I am trying to hold their babyhood in my hands and it's like sand. It's really bad for someone like me who hates change. Well I guess hate isn't the right word. It just makes me really uncomfortable. Maybe that's just human nature. I don't like the uncertainty of change.

How do you react to change???

1 comment:

gloria said...

I missed the

I was so bummed, of course the time difference between 2Peas time zone and Australia didn't help...but man.

I would have loved to be in the mix during NSD!!