
And Now Your Regularly Scheduled Program~

I am back,at least in body. The move went well and we are mostly unpacked. However, I am in a funk. I don't feel like creating, or reading, or anything much really. I have a ton of projects to do. My keyboard misses letters and the spacebar sticks. Driving me nuts. I have a cold, am hungry but don't want to eat. Can I have some wine with my cheese. Please! ok,enough about me. Riley is watching the presidential news conference. That kids amazes me, doesn't have the patience to play with play-doh but, watch a Looooong speech, ok!

Have a good one people~


Step away from the blog~

Greetings fellow bloggers, or at least blog readers. How was the weekend? Mine was super duper busy. Had big packing/cleaning plans and our laptop died. Now it's in the shop, I am using a loaner.
Moving on Saturday. Am also taking Shimelle's new class. Lots going on which means that other things will have to be left undone. So I am most likely not going to be blogging this week. Just can't commit the time and such. So have a great week and if you read my blog check back next week. Hopefully we will have set up the computer @ our new place.



Out with the old...

Ok, I confess. I am an addict. Addicted to throwing things away that is. Seriously I am on a major kick, I can't stop. Could be worse I suppose.
I was playing around with photoshop yesterday and created the new banner. I need to get a book on it because man is it ever a complicated program.
Ok, I know this is a super short post but, I have things to throw away.
Have a great weekend!


Introducing Capt. Whiner & his sidekick Mr. Dribbles

It's 6:33am, still dark outside. However, thanks to DH's super early meeting this A.M. we are up. Riley is being uber whiney. He wants his brother's bottle, he wants to sit next to me, he doesn't want me to touch him. On, and on and on. Normally I can handle the whining ( a new thing for Ry's age) but, at this hour it's tough. I am sure that coffee was invented for just such a morning.

I spend yesterday cleaning, sorting & cutting paper for my paper swap. I am trying to balance packing with this deadline for the swap. Cutting hundreds of sheets of paper gets pretty boring quick. So, I try to change it up with the cleaning and packing. It seems to be working pretty well on both fronts. I was in one of those great but, rare throw everything away moods. Where I suddenly have no emotional or otherwise attachment to all of our crap. I am hoping to be graced with the same mood today. Although I have a feeling that a nap is going to be needed. Or maybe I can at least get the duo to take one so that I can think.
Enough rambling...



Went to the LSS yesterday looking for Journal Spots & masks. They didn't have either of them but, I still got some goodies. Who could resist all of the newness that is pouring in daily?? Not I.
Mostly PP (some 7 Gypsies, Scenic Route & the cutest new line from EK Success.) Open stock Metal letters. Slide mounts & some orange brads for a friend.
I am trying out a new 2 part scrapping philosophy. Not every page has to be a masterpiece & Why am I saving the good stuff. I am hoping that this will free me to create more & enjoy the process.

I managed to complete 4 layouts yesterday too! That is major considering the creative rut I have been in the last few ummmm MONTHS.

The last one uses some of my new paper! Well that will have to do it for this post. Riley is sick and I have major deadlines.



Lazy Saturday~

I have been fighting with this LO for days. There is nothing complicated about it but, for some reason I had the hardest time making it come together. I think it turned out pretty cute though. I though it might be nice to get Ry's first halloween pics scrapped before his 2nd. LOL!

Have a great weekend all!


here we go again

I have a meeting with someone who I haven't seen in awhile. I am a little nervous. It's an emotionally charged meeting, not all good. I want to be cool. Please, let me be cool. I need to vacuum. I would rather Pea and not think........



The "S" list:
My automatic coffee maker.
It's so nice waking up to fresh, hot coffee!
My boys. They never fail to surprise me!
My family. It's so nice to be with people who just let you be you!
My new Snow Patrol CD.
I bought the wrong one by accident, what a great thing!
Scrapbooking. Even when I am not, I know it's there for me.
Having enough, being enough.
It's a good thing!