
Step away from the blog~

Greetings fellow bloggers, or at least blog readers. How was the weekend? Mine was super duper busy. Had big packing/cleaning plans and our laptop died. Now it's in the shop, I am using a loaner.
Moving on Saturday. Am also taking Shimelle's new class. Lots going on which means that other things will have to be left undone. So I am most likely not going to be blogging this week. Just can't commit the time and such. So have a great week and if you read my blog check back next week. Hopefully we will have set up the computer @ our new place.



Melissa said...

ugh I hate when the laptop dies or does something funky. but thats good that you have a loaner for now. hope it gets fixed ASAP for you.

Lynn said...

I hope things start to slow up for you soon. I know how busy it gets with a big move. Have fun with your classes.

Sofia said...

Hope you have a great week. :-) Love the new banner.

Anonymous said...

ack! I forgot to sign up for it - it looks like an awesome class. LMK how it goes!