
Introducing Capt. Whiner & his sidekick Mr. Dribbles

It's 6:33am, still dark outside. However, thanks to DH's super early meeting this A.M. we are up. Riley is being uber whiney. He wants his brother's bottle, he wants to sit next to me, he doesn't want me to touch him. On, and on and on. Normally I can handle the whining ( a new thing for Ry's age) but, at this hour it's tough. I am sure that coffee was invented for just such a morning.

I spend yesterday cleaning, sorting & cutting paper for my paper swap. I am trying to balance packing with this deadline for the swap. Cutting hundreds of sheets of paper gets pretty boring quick. So, I try to change it up with the cleaning and packing. It seems to be working pretty well on both fronts. I was in one of those great but, rare throw everything away moods. Where I suddenly have no emotional or otherwise attachment to all of our crap. I am hoping to be graced with the same mood today. Although I have a feeling that a nap is going to be needed. Or maybe I can at least get the duo to take one so that I can think.
Enough rambling...


Sofia said...

LOL Capt. Whiner and Mr. Dribbles! That would be a great title for a layout.

I hope that you have another good cleaning and sorting day. It feels good to get rid of excess stuff sometimes. Now if I could just get motivated to do that...

Anonymous said...

Rofl....love that Capt. Whiner and Mr. Dribble and I would have to agree with Sophia, that would make an awesome title for a layout.. YOu know us scrappers are always thinking ahead...LOL


gloria said...

Good for you.
I always find that when I clean out my stuff one of two things happen:
1. I feel better all around, lighter, even!
2. I find cool stuff I forgot I had and am inspired to use it!!


Have a great day, and love on those babies even if they are being stinkers!! ;)

Anonymous said...

The only good thing about moving is the purging...getting rid of all that baggage. Plus, it's less crap you have to haul up and down stairs when you move.