
I have not been gone or forgotten about my little blog. I tried to blog twice last week and blogger wouldn't publish my posts. They sort of went poof into cyber space or something.

Monday again. Hubby is gone to work. I have a ton of housework and swap stuff to do. Life should sort of get back to normal soon. Whatever normal is, right?

This weekend was interesting. Friday night we went to a wedding reception. The bride was beautiful. We saw old friends and it strikes me how quickly life changes. I suppose there was nothing quick about the changes, I am just now noticing them and I am not always a fan of change. I am always amazed and saddened at how being in certain place or with certain people can make me punch holes in my own life. Like I just don't measure up in my own mind but, only when compared to ideals that only exist in my mind when put in those specific scenes. I know this probably makes no sense. That's alright. Just something I need to get out of my mind. I completely own all of these feelings. No one made me feel them, I did it to myself. I am always my biggest critic. Enough with the depressing.

Taylor turned 6 months old yesterday!

I think that's all I have to say about that~


Sofia said...

I think I understand what you're saying. I feel like compared to some of my high school friends, who I just recently reconnected with, I'm a big old loser. It seems like they have done some much already and I haven't done much at all. I know it is all in my head and it is silly to feel like this, but I just can't help it.

Awww Taylor is looking so sweet! :-)

Sofia said...

P.S. (More ramblings from your blog stalker lol) I LOVE Elsie's book, but I guess I'm a little biased because I'm a fan of her work. It is full of eye candy and the challenges seem pretty cool too. If you find her work inspiring, you'd probably really like the book. If you're not a big fan, then you might probably just follow the Elsie challenges on 2Peas.

Lynn said...

I can relate to what you are saying also. Sometimes you just don't feel like you fit in with that group anymore.

Taylor is so adorable!

Melissa said...

sometimes I am not that big a fan of change either..but I'm sure you have many new things in your life that you are thankful for and wouldnt want to change for the world :)

adorable picture of Taylor!

Unknown said...

The funny thing is that the other people are probably thinking the same thing about themselves and what happened to their lives.
Does that make sense?
Oh well, at least you can say you've got 2 cute little boys and an awesome RAK *wink, wink*

(Sorry, couldn't resist, you are queen of RAK's)