
Burnt Out and stuff~

The baby has decided to join me for blogging this morning. I feel sorta bad that I just don't have the time to blog every morning. So, if you read my little blog daily and are not seeing new posts I am sorry. I think things will be better once the Summer is over. Fall is a much slower time of year for us. Well at least it always used to be. My new lovely banner is courtesy of a RAK I won from this lovely blogger http://chrisjenkins.typepad.com/ . I love it and still so excited that I won! Thanks again Chris!

Continuing my quest for color. I went to 3 different Scrapbook stores on Saturday trying to find something that would inspire me. It just wasn't happening. I saw things that were pretty but, nothing that gave me that feeling. I actually started to feel a little panic growing inside me that maybe I had lost my ability to create. My mojo has left the building. I did buy a few things at the last store because they were on clearance. I am sad to report that they are completely me (browns and blues). I struggled thorough a simple little LO yesterday. I thought if I actually create something it'll jump start things. No such luck. It was really hard to make myself stay at the table and finish it. That is just not right. I think maybe I am burnt out. So, maybe it's not just color that I need but, some inspiration too!
{Was going to post the LO but, the blogger Troll will not let me!}

In other news Taylor has 2 teeth now. He has been working on them for about 2 weeks and they finally popped up. They are sharp. He is holding his own bottle now too. Getting way to big too quickly. That happens though.


Unknown said...

Love the new banner!

Sofia said...

Your new banner is gorgeous!

Sorry about the mojo problem. That sucks. Maybe you just need a break from scrapping. That's what I do sometimes until I get inspired again.

Hope the teething isn't too stressful for your little guy.

Lynn said...

I can relate to mojo problem. This happened to me about 2 months ago. Nothing was happening. I would just sit there and stare at the pictures and papers. I decided to leave it all alone for a about a week or 2 and then went down and tried again. I got some of it flowing and then it didn't want to stop! Good luck with it.

Your new banner is just wonderful. I do have to say.... When I got on here and saw the new banner I was like.. Am I in the wrong blog??? I kinda liked the other one. Not so sure why, but I did.