
Gloomy Good Morning!

It's dark and cloudy out this morning. I am not quite ready to surrender the sunny days of Summer but, it looks like the weather didn't ask me. I will just have to deal with it.
I went walking yesterday. A must considering that I am in the apartment most days with the kiddos. So it was just me and my burning lung. I think it's a good thing on a physical level and emotional. It gives me a little me time to clear my head and breath. Lots and lots of breathing going on. I have been thinking a lot about physical health lately. I am not a very active person, never have been really. When I wake up in the morning I have aches and pain that never used to be there. I am only 25 for crying out loud, far to young to feel so old and unhealthy. No one is going to get me in shape for me though. It's sort of amusing to me the things that run through my mind as I am walking along. I will try to remember them for my next post. Does anyone else find themselves in their everyday life composing blogger posts in their minds? Sometimes I do it and it cracks me up.

Riley has added a couple new words to his growing vocabulary. "Caw, caw mmmm mmm." and he moves his hands up and down like he's moving a steering wheel (translation - Car, Car mmmm mmm.) He also said "Sow" which is sorry. He is learning so fast. Still doesn't have his R's down but, it'll come to him.


Sofia said...

LOL I'm so glad I'm not the only one who composes blog posts in their head! They usually form in my mind when I'm trying to get to sleep at night or when I'm walking to work.

Amber said...

Thanks for checking on me! I've been going non-stop for the past couple weeks.

I wish we lived closer, I'd go walking with you. I need to do that more often.

You know, I love the dark weather. I am all for Fall and Winter coming along and stealing the sun :) It's just my thing.