
Super Duper Busy~

nO i DID noT go and forgeT about my Sweet liTtle bloGaroo. I havE been crazY buSy. To busY to even list the borIng detAils. Just Know that all Is welL and wIth the eXception of a Nasty coLd I am sUper duPer. RilEy's BirtHday pArty is saTurDay. Also it's nOt to lAte to paRticiPate in the cArd dRive foR soLdiers. If yoU are interesTed let me Know. It'S a reaL gooD CauSe!


HaVe a gReat dAy aLl!


Kimberly said...

Hey! Glad to know all is well. Have a blast at Riley's party!!

gloria said...


don't forget to have fun too!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you are alright! I for one can relate to how busy life can get. Dana