

Listening to this awesome CD (Anna Nalick). Haven't figured out how to put links in my text yet. Sorry! Anyway, totally digging it. Not new, just rediscovered. I'm like that, I'll listen to the same CD 80 times and then move on to something else when I'm over it. Have drunk a pot of coffee. I always wonder how that happens. Fuel for my day, or my bad habit? Not so much sure... Fighting with this layout. Need to stop playing and start creating. I hate forcing the creative process because I have deadlines. Create I must! It's weird because I have felt the creative bug lately but, just can't seem to get the inspiration on the page and out of my head.... Maybe I am just being to critical of my work. Asking to much from it. Do you ever feel that way??? Like maybe it needs to be more about the creative process and less about the finished product. Must ponder....

1 comment:

Jana said...

I love Anna Nalick's song Breath(2am)! I believe that I think to much about my pages instead of creating . . .