
I suppose I should tell you what is going on.
But I am not gonna. It's way early. This whole week is jam packed.
I don't like weeks like that.
I need a nap.



This is my BIL Matt & Riley.
Matt is going away for 2 years on his mission.
I am excited for him and a little sad for me.
My boys adore him.
He gets down on the floor and plays with them.
Plus they all share a love of dirt.
This weekend is all about him.
All about me keeping my shit together, while saying goodbye.
Tuesday he leaves on a plane and that is that.
Sometimes there aren't words for the things that we feel inside.
Now is one of those times.

I am most likely gonna be down and out until then.

We shall see....


Uhhh Yeah~

My eye is running. Non-stop.

Don't you just hate that?

It's 6:50pm on a Friday night and I am ready for bed.

Sad, sad, sad.

I remember, not so long ago when Friday night was date night.

of course that was before kids & diapers & mommyness.

Oh, well!

I finished the scarf for my BIL. It's just basic black.

Required for him mission.

Nothing fancy!

Well, I have nothing else to write about.

I could really go for a grande vanilla latte right about now.

Or maybe just my PJ's and pillow.

Happy Weekend all!


There's Something About Donna~

So, I suppose you want to hear all about my fabulous time meeting Donna (aka. Sparkles).
If you ever have the opportunity to meet her, I recommend it.
She is hilarious, her projects rock. Did I mention that she is funny? The first day she started this little joke. Everyone got new names. I suppose you had to be there. Anyway, I was Irma. Funny thing is, I forgot to take my name tag off when I went to dinner and the waiter kept calling me Irma. The names got crazier after Irma (Paris, Boom Boom, Zsa Zsa) and countless others. Too Funny. The projects are adorable. I have learned some awesome skills! Unfortunately, I didn't get very good pictures.

Donna Teaching.

Sheri (Scrapbook Attack's Fabulous owner) & Donna

The bling bling scarf I made for Donna. She loves green you know.

Donna & Pebbles (My baby sis)

Her pic turned out a million times cuter then mine!

The Fabulous Karlala (Aka Boom Boom)

My Clock.

Totally got the creative juices flowing here.

Loved the paint!

Ok, I am off to start my day. My BIL leaves for his mission on Tuesday and I have to finish the scarf I am making for him.

Have a great day~



~Henry Alexander~

Born 1/20/07
10:17 am
9lbs 13oz
He is the cutest, sweetest little man.
His picture does not do him justice.
Mom is resting and recovering wonderfully.
Will update later with info from my fabulous weekend.
Am sicker then sick!


The Day~

I am off. Will update when I can.
P.S. My SIL still has not had that baby. She has been in labor for 24 hours now. Poor thing!
Have a great weekend~


24 Hours~

That's right. Just read Donna's blog (www.donnadowney.typepad.com) and it reminded me that she will be here in 24 hours.....
I am excited!!!
Can't help myself. Gonna be fun.
Have so much to do.
Must do some laundry and normal stuff.
Taylor is still sick, I am feeling better.
Thanks to everyone who wishes us well and gave me good advice.
My sister in law is at this moment in labor.
Soon we will get to meet our newest member of this crazy family.
Come on Henry, your cousins want to play.
I will update when I can!
Have a great weekend peeps~



I feel very awake right now.
This really shouldn't be the case.
Been up since 5 something.
Baby had a bad night and slept with me.
Yes, I am weak.
Paid for it by waking up in a pool of water (from bottle).
Been letting him have it to sleep.
Partially because of fever and also for comfort.
Although he obviously didn't want it and I wore it instead.
Want to scrap. Have pounding head ache.
Have 20 something LO's waiting for me
All ready to be put together.
Must wait for the crop.
Must finish class homework.
Must figure out how to print index sheets of my pictures.
Anyone else take Donna D's Blossom Chipboard album class?
How many index prints do I really need???
Need more hot coffee for scratchy throat.
G'day Mates~
P.S. It snowed yesterday.
The most snow I have ever seen at one time.
Glad I had no where to go.


Woe is me....

Trying desperately hard not to get sick.
I have pretty much sequestered us for the past few weeks.
I mean I had to, right?
I have Donna Downey classes at the end of the week.
And a 12 hour crop.
I can not miss it!!!!!
Things have been well.
Until yesterday.....
I woke up with an irritated eye that persisted to a swollen eyelid.
Flushed the eye, took some meds & cold compressed it.
Swelling gone. Eye better.
This morning poor listless Taylor has a fever and a cough.....
He wants Mama to hold him.
As his Mama I am ok with holding him.
It's my job. I am holding him right now.
Still, I can't get sick.
I keep chanting it, as if that would help.
Say it with me.
"I will not get sick. I will not get sick"
Keep you posted~



Today I am remembering....
It's the 11th anniversary of the passing of a dear friend & his family.
After all of this time it still makes me cry.
Although mostly I remember the good things.
My friend Nick's death shaped me in ways that I could never have imagined.
I was only 15.
Some thoughts are too personal to touch.
I just couldn't let today slip away without a visible acknowledgement.
Sorry this is so depressing peeps.
Enjoy your day! Go hug someone you love!


Holy crap, (aka, the weatherman was right!)

Woke up to this!

It's really coming down too!
Riley can't remember seeing snow before now.
He is in awe!
Remember what that was like?
Being a kid.
Being so excited because giant white flakes were falling from the sky.
Just to keep some balance.
My new favorite of Tay~

And lastly my latest creation!

A little gift for my sister!

Shhh, don't tell her!

Have a fabulous day all!


I'm a Dodge Viper!

You're all about raw power. You're tough, you're loud, and you don't take crap from anyone. Leave finesse to the other cars, the ones eating your dust.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.


Did You Miss Me?

Yeah, I missed me too!
Poor Hubby has been sick since last Saturday.
My days have been filled with tending and not much else.
I did manage to clean my wrecked house yesterday.
DH is back to work today and I feel like I am back on track.
Did manage to take down Christmas. Well all but the "winter" lights that I strung around the living room. The boys really like them!
Finished the scarf I was working on. Blogger won't let me share pictures with you.
I have done 2 layouts in the last 2 weeks. Not including my Christmas art journal. I am still working on it. Tomorrow is the last prompt. I am hoping to catch up today!
Found out that I get to go to all 6 of Donna Downey's classes & her crop when she is here in 2 weeks. The crop is 12 hours long. I am sketching layouts like crazy. Trying to remember how to do a power layout so that everything will be ready for the crop. Need to print a gang of pictures. Can anyone recommend an online photo lab? I want some place that won't charge a lot for s&h and won't auto crop my pics like some do.
Anyway, have a great day all!


Out with the old~

Looks like 2006 is down for the count and it might be time to put a few resolutions down on the proverbial paper. I for one slept my way into the new year. What can I say? I never know when the babies are going to wake up. Sleep is a precious commodity.

1. of course the old stand by lose weight!
2. We are going Soda free in '07!
3. No scrapping after Andy gets home.
That is family time!
4. To be more satisfied with the choices that I make.
5. To see the return of my *gulp* 4 outstanding CJ's!
6. To tell my kids how much I love them everyday!
7. To not sweat the little things.
8. To finish my Christmas Art Journal.
9. To complete more pages with my stash. No new product in '07. At least until I make a dent. That doesn't include gifts & or adhesive! LOL!
10. To be happy & thankful everyday. I think I might actually start writing one thing a day in my journal that meets that criteria.
Pretty good list huh? I see it less as a list of to do's and more as a road map for where I want my life to go! happier and healthier in 2007. Don't you just love good intentions?
I still intend to make out my 30 before I am 30 list. I haven't forgotten. I am just compiling the list carefully!
So here's to the new year! May it find us better then we were before!