
And Now Your Regularly Scheduled Program~

I am back,at least in body. The move went well and we are mostly unpacked. However, I am in a funk. I don't feel like creating, or reading, or anything much really. I have a ton of projects to do. My keyboard misses letters and the spacebar sticks. Driving me nuts. I have a cold, am hungry but don't want to eat. Can I have some wine with my cheese. Please! ok,enough about me. Riley is watching the presidential news conference. That kids amazes me, doesn't have the patience to play with play-doh but, watch a Looooong speech, ok!

Have a good one people~


Sofia said...

Sorry to hear about the funk. I know how that goes. Hope you feel better soon.

LOL about Riley watching the conference. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

OMGosh - is Riley planning to run for Congress soon? Too funny that he's watching a political speech.

Lynn said...

I hope you get out of your funk soon. I know exactly how you feel.

xobellaaimox said...

can you let me know how shimelle's class is?! i always wanted to know.

and chin up sunshine! :)

Kimberly said...

duder....get some rest. Sounds like you need it. When you're exhausted and sick...have just moved...and you have probs with your keyboard (that right there is enough to send me over).....you need some rest!!!

Anonymous said...

You need that t-shirt that has the picture of the cat on it and says "Hang in there baby!"... craziness comes in spurts, it will get better soon!

Happy Halloweenie!

gloria said...

maybe it's the monotonous voices...they can be mesmerizing! tee hee

and i get the blahs too.

you're human.


Sofia said...

Long time no blog... You still there? Hellooo?? :listens for echo:

Hope that everything is okay and that you can update again soon.

Kimberly said...

Hmmm...you haven't blogged in a while. Am I in the right spot?? lol... Did I somehow screw this up and get automatically taken to an old page??? Hope you're well girlfriend.