
Holiday Cheer~

It's that time again.
The holidays are here.
Yesterday the kids and I cranked up the holiday music and broke out the decorations. Time for a little holiday cheer!

I made these wall hangings for my Life Artist challenge over on Two Peas.


It's all about blog inspiration. I got the inspiration for this from Ali Edward's blog. She has some really awesome holiday projects in her gallery. Check them out if you can!


I have lots to share, still sick, Thanksgiving was great. We had an awesome time tree hunting, and we even managed to take our family Christmas card picture. I just don't have to energy to write about it all right now. This cold has taken over and I am a messy cranky ball of sickness. YUCK!

So, I am out. I have knitting to do, projects to finish, projects to start.

It's the holidays!


Two MOnths~

Look who went and turned 2 months old!!!

She is getting so big, so fast!

I feel like I can hardly keep up with her changes.

This weeks promises to be jam packed and it's only Monday morning.

We are having a birthday dinner for one of the missionaries next door tonight.

I made him a scarf (it's cold here). Well actually I need to finish it.

Gotta clean the house and make dinner and dessert (peach cobbler).

I am going to a baby shower on Friday and I am making a 6x6 mini album for it. I only have Tuesday and Wednesday to make it. Some time in those two days I have to go shopping for Thanksgiving groceries and I have some baking to do.

Thursday is Thanksgiving (beyond jam packed). We split the holiday between Andy's family and mine. Lovely to see so much family in one day but makes for way too much food consumed and a really long day!

Friday, I wanted to get some shopping in but, I really don't think I am hard core enough for it. LOL! I have the baby shower in the evening.

Saturday, we are going into the woods to get Christmas trees. It's a tradition that My husband's family does. We live in a small apartment and won't actually have a tree but, we will probably give it to someone in the ward. It's about the experience they tell me. At any rate it should give me a chance to get some pictures of the boys playing in the snow.

So, you see it's Monday morning and I already feel tired. Ahh, the maintenance guy is blowing the leaves out of our entry way. It's super loud. Taylor comes running to me half crying because he's freaked out. So now he's sitting in my lap. Riley runs up to the door and yells at it "Get away from my house!". My crazy kids.

If i don't get back on here for the rest of the week, have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!


Days go by~

It's cold, wet, and rainy out today.
I am enjoying a hot mug of peach tea while my babies are napping.
Yep, all 3 at once. It's like a miracle or a gift.
Tomorrow I turn 27.
I am feeling old but, I'll get over it.
It's not that I think 27 is old, I just feel like I am not where I thought I would be in terms of life goals.
With the exception of being married and having kids.
The worst part is now I am not sure I know what I want for MY life.
Not my kid's lives or my husband's but mine.
I really should think about this but, deep thought like that would require more energy then I currently possess. So for now I will just enjoy my tea.
Have a good weekend~



Well, it happened. My sweet Riley went and turned 3!

It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing his tiny little self home from the hospital.

He was so small. Barely 5 LBS.

He had a birthday party on Saturday. I think he had a really good time.

Since we celebrated on Saturday today is going to be pretty much business as usual. I was thinking about making him some fun pancakes for breakfast. Well if we still have power that is. We are in the midst of a huge storm. The wind has been slapping against the side of our house for a good hour now. It woke me up. Gotta love these pre-winter storms. PLus, it's raining buckets. My poor husband has to go work in it all day. He's gonna get soaked and beyond.

It's Christmas craft time again. All of the gift giving gears have been activated in my head. I have made two fabulous little altered holiday planners. One for my sister and one for my sister-in-law. You can see pics on it here. There are just too many pictures to download them now! http://twopeasinabucket.kaboose.com/pg.asp?cmd=display&layout_id=1258226

I have decided to make very few things this holiday. Bought some cute little christmas cards at Michaels for a dollar a box. I am making something for my two neices and nephew and for my mother-in-law. Although I have not narrowed down what to make her. So if you know of a fairly easy and inexpensive project please let me know. Well, the birthday boy woke up so no more bloggin'

Have a good one~



I have been productive in the scrapbooking department the last week. Sit back and get ready for the Layout parade.

There are more but, blogger decided not to let me post any more pics.

It's a shame really because my sweet little sugar lump is 6 weeks and I wanted to post a picture of her from Halloween. Man, was she adorable!

Can you believe that it's November already? It's my favorite month. It always flies by so quickly though. We literally have every weekend booked before the month even starts. My sister's birthday was Saturday. Riley's birthday party is next Saturday. Mine is the 17th, I will celebrate with my Brother in law 'cause his b-day is the 14th. . Insane!

Well, Hailey beckons. Ciao!